
Common Mistakes to Avoid After Windscreen Replacement

Facing the road with a fresh, new windscreen is a relief. But as many drivers discover, the journey doesn’t end with the replacement—it begins. In the midst of newfound clarity, it’s all too easy to overlook the common mistakes that can threaten the effectiveness of your new car windscreen. From curing time missteps to edge negligence, this guide is your roadmap to steering clear of post-windscreen replacement pitfalls. 

1. Skipping the Curing Time

Mistake: Impatience is a common culprit. Skipping the curing time recommended by the adhesive used during replacement can weaken the bond between the windscreen and the vehicle.

Solution: Follow the recommended curing time diligently. It might mean holding off on that car wash or avoiding bumpy roads for a while, but allowing the adhesive to set properly ensures a secure and lasting bond.

2. Ignoring the Seal Around the Edges

Mistake: Overlooking the importance of a well-sealed windscreen can lead to water leaks, air seepage, and potential structural issues.

Solution: Regularly inspect the seal around the edges of the windscreen. Any wear, gaps, or damage signs should be addressed promptly to prevent further complications.

3. Subjecting the Windscreen to Extreme Conditions Immediately

Mistake: Exposing the newly replaced windscreen to extreme conditions, such as high-pressure car washes or extreme temperatures, too soon can compromise its integrity.

Solution: Exercise caution in the first few days after replacement. Avoid intense weather conditions and high-pressure cleaning to give the adhesive ample time to set and strengthen the bond.

4. Neglecting Proper Cleaning Techniques

Mistake: Using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals during cleaning can scratch or damage the surface of the windscreen.

Solution: Stick to mild, automotive-approved glass cleaners and soft materials like microfiber cloths. Gently wipe away dirt and debris to maintain a clear and scratch-free surface.

5. Not Addressing Small Chips and Cracks Immediately

Mistake: Ignoring small chips or cracks post-replacement might seem harmless, but they can quickly escalate into more significant issues.

Solution: Address any chips or cracks promptly. Swift action helps prevent them from spreading and compromising the structural integrity of the windscreen.

6. Heavy Slamming of Car Doors

Mistake: Slamming car doors with excessive force can transmit unnecessary vibrations to the newly replaced windscreen, impacting its stability.

Solution: Close car doors gently to minimize vibrations. This small habit can contribute to the long-term durability of your windscreen.

7. Using the Windscreen as Support

Mistake: Leaning on the windscreen or using it as support when entering or exiting the vehicle can put undue pressure on the edges.

Solution: Use proper support points when getting in or out of your vehicle. Avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the windscreen, which could lead to potential issues around the edges.

8. Delaying Windscreen Wiper Replacement

Mistake: Overlooking worn-out wiper blades can cause scratches on the new windscreen, impairing visibility.

Solution: Regularly inspect and replace worn wiper blades to ensure they glide smoothly across the surface without causing damage.

9. Ignoring Professional Advice

Mistake: Disregarding advice from the professionals who replaced the windscreen can lead to avoidable complications.

Solution: Pay attention to any specific instructions or recommendations provided by the technicians. Their expertise ensures a successful replacement, and following their guidance is key to maintaining the integrity of your new windscreen.

10. Neglecting Regular Maintenance Checks

Mistake: Assuming that a new windscreen requires no ongoing maintenance can lead to unforeseen issues.

Solution: Incorporate regular checks of your windscreen into your vehicle maintenance routine. Simple inspections can catch potential problems early on, preserving the longevity of your windscreen.


A freshly replaced windscreen is an investment in both safety and aesthetics. Avoiding these common mistakes ensures that your new windscreen remains a reliable and durable vehicle component. Take the time to follow proper care practices, and you’ll enjoy clear views on the road ahead for miles to come. Also, choose AIS Glass[VG1]  if you’re looking for a car windscreen replacement service.

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